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Más de 350K desarrolladores de todo el mundo utilizan Mendix
Crea aplicaciones móviles nativas sin conexión para iOS y Android, Aplicaciones Web Progresivas (PWA) y portales web, todo desde una única plataforma
Facilita la colaboración entre desarrolladores con un sistema de control de versiones basado en Git, utiliza conectores AWS y personaliza la plataforma según tus necesidades
La plataforma y las aplicaciones son abiertas y extensibles a todos los niveles. Integra los ecosistemas y servicios internos o externos con conectores REST y conectores de bases de datos
Mendix es una plataforma low-code que permite la creación rápida y colaborativa de aplicaciones multidispositivo mediante un editor visual intuitivo de arrastrar y soltar
We provide a personalized evaluation of your case
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Acelera el desarrollo con modelos, plantillas, widgets y componentes reutilizables y prediseñados.
Amplia comunidad de soporte y recursos 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana y de rápida respuesta
Early detection
Early detection of errors avoids costly fixes in later stages of development
Innovation and Agility
Deliver new features swiftly and error-free to innovate in changing environments
Reduced Fragility
Tests are less likely to fail due to minor errors, increasing system robustness
Cost Savings
Save time and costs in the future by reducing the number of errors and failures in production
Complete the following information related to your development team and find out how much you can save using the Contract Testing method.
1. Number of people on your team:
1. Annual engineer salary ($):
2. Hours devoted to testing per month:
3. Average hours dedicated to bug reduction per month:
Recommended value: (team size x 40 x 4) x 0.25
Recommended value: (team size x 40 x 4) x 0.20
4. Testing infrastructure cost per month ($):
Estimated value of 2 t3.medium instances and one PostgreSQL RDS: $1700
Whatever your situation, at SNGULAR, we can help you
We offer external technical and strategic support in all phases of your Contract Testing adoption process and develop a customized strategy tailored to your needs.
Dive into your company's specific infrastructure and master the methodology using advanced tools and automation processes. Face any challenge with confidence!
We design and implement Contract Testing automation processes using the best practices of integration and continuous delivery.
We configure and customize Contract Testing tools into your systems to provide you with complete control over your development and testing environment. Our team installs, configures, and tailors the tools according to your infrastructure needs.
We offer external technical and strategic support in all phases of your Contract Testing adoption process and develop a customized strategy tailored to your needs.
We internally lead the entire process of adopting Contract Testing within your organization. This includes strategic planning, methodology implementation, team training, and continuous progress monitoring.
We provide you with the expertise of our specialized professionals in Contract Testing through a flexible hour bank model to solve problems, offer technical advice, or answer all your questions.
If you require dedicated, full-time expertise for your Contract Testing projects, we integrate a dedicated, full-fledged team of SNGULAR specialists into your internal team.
SmartBear named a Visionary by Gartner® in the 2023 Magic Quadrant™ for API Management
As pioneers in Contract Testing, we have maintained a strong partnership with PactFlow almost since its inception. This ensures that our clients receive the assurance of industry-leading support and expertise throughout their journey.
PactFlow is the most comprehensive Contract Testing platform, born within the open-source Pact framework, with additional features to ensure effective and scalable use of contract testing in software development teams and projects.
Hours/month saved on manual testing:
Monthly cost:
60% savings
20% savings
ROI del primer año:
ROI a partir del primer año:
Annual cost
Monthly savings
Annual savings:
30% savings
Hours/month saved on bug resolution:
Infrastructure cost saved:
How much could you save using Contract Testing?
How much does inefficient testing cost you?
*These costs correspond to the hours dedicated to testing and bug resolution, and the cost of infrastructure.